Resigning from a job it’s one of the toughest things you’ll have to do in your career. It’s a decision that needs to be handled carefully and professionally for many reasons.
You have the ability to ensure a warm and pleasant farewell. Leaving with the same mutual respect with which you started your job – and maintaining a solid relationship with both your colleagues and your boss
– will benefit you in a number of ways;
Make sure you are 100% certain about your decision Once you have let your boss know that you intend on leaving there’s no going back, so you need to be entirely sure that you are doing the right thing. If there is a specific reason that you want to leave, think about whether you have explored all options that could resolve the problem. The same goes for seeking out a new challenge, as there may be scope for development within your existing company if you bring your concerns to your boss’s attention.
Give more notice than required Check your contract to find out how much notice to give and tack on a few extra weeks if possible. It’s always better to allow more time for the organization to fill your role. By doing so, you’ll be trying to do your manager and the company a favor, which in turn should result in an amicable departure and farewell. Giving notice ensures that there is proper hand over and that they will have found your replacement.
Ask for a reference When you resign, allude to the fact that you would like your boss to be a referee and that potential employers may contact them. The more upfront you are with this the better. If they decline, ask why. You have a right to know.
Don’t let your standards drop If you didn’t take long lunches before, don’t start now. It’s imperative that you continue to maintain a high-performance level in the role while you’re on your notice period. Falling short could result in a less-than-glowing reference. Make it easy on the rest of the team by tidying up every loose end.